Sunday, July 5, 2009

countdown to production.

yesterday was our huge kick off party at "bait and thangs". the 4th of july was amazing this year! mike jones outdid himself yet again. we're talking live music, food, beer, fireworks, airboat swamp tours, cornhole, handgrabbing (fishing with your bare hangs), etc...the list could go on and on. we even ventured into the city and visited "spectators" a bar witch completely blew my mind! let's just say there was a good mix of culture there. i even got to witness a few fights! the south knows how to party. i feel like i need to make a rodeo comparison... we have also been interacting with some of the local wildlife! i've only been here for a few weeks, but i feel like i have lived here forever. everyday i take part in some local activities that completely change my life! things are a little bit different down here. it is an experience everyone should live at least once in there life. tomorow starts production and there is no telling what will happen. im looking forward to the next three weeks! -derk

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